Another year is coming to an end, with the hard and the easy, the bad and the beautiful, the bitter and the sweet. What will we take with us? What are we going to leave behind from the YEAR that’s passed?
What’s new about the people in our nearby circle? We may have to leave behind a relationship that hurt us… Maybe we’ve met new people who have supported us and are still supporting us, even if they don’t know us enough… Of all the people we meet, we have to learn a lesson that will make us wiser about life. We try to understand and forgive, leave behind us, and move forward to bring new people and new experiences to enrich our lives.

How did we spend our time? Did we have occupations that filled us up and made our lives look good, or were we looking forward to the hours to get home? Let us try, from the new year, in everything we do to put our heart, our love, our good mood, our whole “being” and all our activities will seem like a game.

What have we done this year to become better people? Did we offer a smile, a hug, a toy, a plate of food to someone who needs it? Have we accepted the gifts that others have offered us with such love? Did we restore our relationship with a person we didn’t get along with so well?

If we radiate peace, optimism, and a festive mood, we will notice that positive events will continuously happen. And if something happens that at first glance seems negative, we will discover, in retrospect, that, in the end, it happened for the good of all of us. Let us not be afraid to fall because sooner or later, we will get up and move on.

That is why, in this new year, let us try to stay open to young people, to further information and situations, to new opportunities. Everything that is offered to us is a treasure. Life in itself is a gift; Let’s try to be like the little children who admire, are impressed, and moved by the simplest things – with a snowflake, with birds in the sky, with a ray of sunshine – as if they see it all every time for the first time.