Say “thank you”

~Be grateful for what you have. You’re going to end up with more. If you focus on what you don’t have, you’ll never have enough.~

Oprah Winfrey

Gratitude is the key to abundance. We should take nothing for granted, and many do not have what we can enjoy every day.

Find a minute every day to say thank you for all the precious goods that exist in your life; for everything that offers you joy, peace, happiness, laughter, a positive mood, and beauty.

Say thank you for your eyes with which you see the magical beauty of nature and the miracles that happen every day…

Say thank you for your ears with which you hear the birds’ chirping, the waves of the sea, the rustling of the leaves, the enchanting melodies…

Say thank you for your nose with which you smell the cool flowers, the aroma of the sea, the homemade food…

Say thank you for your hands with which you can create what you love and inspire you, hold a child in your arms…

Say thank you for your feet with which you can walk the miles of the road of life…

Say thank you for the people around you, for what they have to say to you, for what they have to offer you, for what you have to give them…

Say thank you for the trials that have come into your life and made you a better person…

Say thank you for your house, your food, the bed you sleep…

Say thank you for the love you give and people generously give you…

Say thank you for your strength to smile…

Say thank you to your parents for the precious gift of life they gave you…

Say thank you to the teachers of your life who have opened new horizons for you and supported you…

Say thank you for the arts, music, painting, dancing, which make our divine world even more beautiful…

Say thank you for everything you are, everything you’ve been, and everything you’re going to be…

Say thank you for the day, the night, the sun, the moon, the trees, the sky, the sea, the mountains, the flowers, the rain, the snow…

Say thank you to the children who show you the true meaning of life, innocence, spontaneous laughter, and admiration for everything surrounding us…

Thank you…