Facing our fears

We have all been scared or still afraid of something. Others are afraid of height, others of water. Some are afraid of fire, insects, or darkness.
We could say that fear is the mother of all negative emotions. The various expressions of fear through phobias have several names: insecurity, anxiety, stress, weakness, impotence, confusion, fear, depression, denial, shock, hysteria, panic, paralysis, anger, hatred, anger, aggression, violence, jealousy, etc.

“We have nothing to be afraid of, but fear itself.” And that’s true as there’s nothing to fear. When we fear something, our thoughts are transmitted in a way that attracts precisely what we fear.

Dogs realize who’s afraid of them and attack. If you’re not afraid of them, they’ll be friendly with you or they’ll go away. But if they sense your fear, they’ll bark at you.

Many times, fear makes us behave and act irrationally. We think a tiny insect can hurt us. In conditions of fear, we may be panicked that prevents us from working appropriately in an emergency.

Some phobias have been established from the experiences of our childhood. We may have had an accident, been bitten by an insect, or burned by fire. Childhood experiences may take on more significant dimensions within us if they are not treated immediately and appropriately.

Some phobias may have been caused by experiences that we are unable to remember. Others may have come from our family, mainly from our mother or father, who expressed and inevitably conveyed their fears and phobias when we were very young.

Whatever the source of the fears, if we decide to make a consistent effort, fears can be reduced or even eliminated.

The first step is to understand as clearly as possible the object of our fear. If you have many different phobias, pick one. It’s a good thing you don’t start with your biggest phobia, but with one with moderate intensity.

Try to understand why this fear exists in your life and what aspects of your life it affects (what prevents you from doing or what forces you to do more/more often than in the past). Can you remember if one day you were hurt from what you’re afraid of?

Then imagine yourself approaching what you fear. Please close your eyes and imagine you’re getting close to the cockroach or the water or the dog or whatever it is you’re afraid of.

As you imagine the phobic stimulus, you may start to get upset. Your heart can start beating faster, or you may feel like when you’re in contact with the real stimulus. If that happens, then start breathing slower and deeper until you relax every part of your body.

Then imagine you’re coming into contact with it, and you’re not afraid of it anymore. That you’re comfortable even though you’re in touch with what you’ve been afraid of so far. You may not be able to do that the first time, but after a little practice, you’ll be able to.

Then you can start dealing with what you’re afraid of. Slowly you come closer and closer by breathing deeply and relaxing and telling yourself that nothing can hurt you, that this fear does not exist. You’ll quickly overcome the fear you face.

Undoubtedly, fear is the biggest obstacle on the road to happiness, peace, and our completion at all levels (personal, social, and so on). Anger, hatred, prejudice, aggression, violence, and war can ultimately be attributed to fear. If we want to be free, full of love and happiness, if we want to evolve, we need to actively confront and ultimately overcome all our fears.

Holistic life