For Mother’s Day… from a six months’ mom!

Mom… the most beautiful word and the impatience to hear it makes it even more beautiful, and you are looking to find it in the first screams and voices of your baby… And you find the sound, even though you say, “No, it just happened,” but you can hear it and inside you would like your baby to call you “mom” already…
After I became a mom, I realized it’s different to hear for it and different to live it yourself. The birth of a new life awakens feelings you didn’t even know existed, emotions you never thought you’d live, worries you didn’t expect to stay up all night. A blessing to be the mother of this tiny unique creature, the miracle that began with such a small seed, and no matter how much you lived and what you are about to go through, do not matter, since it is for the sake of this little angel that when he laughs, the whole world smiles.
Nothing compares to the feeling that for someone in this world, you are the essential thing there is and that their survival, prosperity, joy, crying, safety, warmth are entirely up to you, and of course, you want to do everything you can to ensure the best for it.
Motherhood, the years when you quickly forget sorrows and difficulties, rejoice with the smallest, the most simple, and explore the world again from the beginning through the eyes of your young child…
So it’s the first time, along with all moms, I’m celebrating too, and I’m going to do my best to keep that smile etched on his lips for the rest of his life…