Live > Life > Alive

The essence of life, the vibrancy exist every day beside us; in moments that might not notice; to the old lady who visits the library every afternoon and, despite any difficulties with her eyes, reads her favorite book with a love story that makes her feel 20 years old again; to the dad who plays chase with his little girls; to the child who jumps again and again in the mud puddles created by the rain; to the man who stops to see the sunset and feels like becoming one with it…
We only die when we stop living. We die when we give up life, when we live every day like we’re on autopilot. Life is not in the tomorrow that will come, in the “best” tomorrow that we hope will appear one day. Life is not in the past, and the bad times we think about and revive within ourselves. Life is in the here, in the now, in the present, at the moment. What do we do to feel happiness and abundance in the now? How do we choose to wake up every day? Are we complaining about yesterday and what we’re missing? Or we feel grateful that we wake up healthy with everything that makes our lives richer?
Life is now. How are we going to make each day unique? If we live it mechanically and automatically, we’re already dead. Do we consciously do every action or as we have learned? Do we cook consciously? Do we brush our teeth consciously? Are we working consciously? Do we greet those we meet consciously? Do we say “I love you,” consciously?

Let’s stop being robots in everything we do; let’s put our hearts, souls, and vitality into everything we do every day. Let us again become perpetrators of our own lives and not passive receivers of what is happening around us.

How do we improve our own lives? What do we do to be happy? When we stop being ballasts of changes and other people’s behaviors towards us, when we stop blaming each other for the problems we have, we will take life into our own hands; we will be the creators of change, we will make our abundance, our happiness. We will create, give energy to the small details of life, and be truly alive…