Waiting for a “better” 2021

Without a doubt, the year that comes to an end was full of challenges for all of us… We faced unprecedented conditions, changes, and adjustments that we had never imagined we would have to manage.
Everything we thought was self-evident – schools, work, excursions, hugs, spontaneity – was all overturned in one moment, burdening us with a substantial psychological and emotional burden, a sadness behind the mask, anxiety for the next day, an indisposition to act to change something…
And now we’ve all been waiting for the “evil” 2020 to leave and welcome 2021, always hoping for something better. But will something better come? And why wait for it to be “better” and not make it the way we want it? If something has changed in people’s psychosynthesis these months, our will, and freedom have been curtailed. We’ve become ballasts of a situation in which we have no control, now waiting for instructions from senior third parties and someone to “push the button” to start moving…
It’s our chance, now, to take control, if not of the situation, at least of ourselves! To stop the vicious cycle of helplessness – bad mood – waiting, and so on. Yes, if not most, many things do not belong to our control, but our lives belong to us; we are called to become the protagonists of our lives! To regain control of ourselves, our thoughts, our behavior, our relationships, our time!
Is this an opportunity to reflect on what we learned from this demanding year, what has changed in our relationships, how we’ve become better, what strengths and abilities we’ve hidden and discovered, and how we have managed the emotions that have emerged?
I don’t expect a better 2021, not because I’m pessimistic, but because I don’t think a year is capable of determining my luck, whether my life will go well or badly.
We are responsible for our choices… Choose to find out… Choose to feel strong and capable… Choose to be alive and focus on your dreams and what you can enjoy in your life.
Choose to make 2021 a wonderful, magical year, which every day is important, taking care of your time, yourself, and your loved ones…